Creating Multiple Variables

You can create multiple variables at once by using a character-separated value (CSV) list.

You cannot use this method to create either Constants or Key Value Pairs.


  1. Select the Model menu.
  2. Click Model Identifiers > Manage Identifiers to open the Model Identifiers dialog.
  3. Make sure the Variables panel is selected.
  4. Click Create From CSV to open the Create Variables from CSV.
  5. Enter a comma-separated list of unique variable names in the field provided.

As with all identifying names, you should only use letters and numbers here. All special characters will be removed from what you've entered, and any spaces will be used to create a truncated variable name - for example, "my variable" will become MyVariable.

  1. Press the Next button to preview the new variables based on your input.
  2. Click OK.
  3. When prompted, click Yes to confirm creation of the specified variables.