Appendix: Filter Condition Types

Filter conditions are used to specify the type of value that is compared against the selected data source Field. The value entered in the Condition field will be determined by the condition type you select.

The Condition Type drop-down menu situated in the Data Source Filter window contains the following:

Condition Type Description Example of Use
Text A string that may contain letters, numbers and symbols. Fetch a list of all employees whose surname begins with "A".
Number A string that must only contain numbers. Fetch a list of all registered users whose phone number begins with "0121".
Date A date string that uses the "MM/DD/YYYY" format. Compare a specific day against a list of employee’s birthdays.
Time A time string that uses the "hh:mm:ss" format plus AM/PM. Show only stores that are open after 6:00 PM.
Date and Time A string that combines a date and a time value. Show meetings that are scheduled before noon on Christmas Day.
Field Another column within the data source, to compare with the main one associated with the filter condition. Return all staff members where the number of holidays taken is less than the total holiday allowance.
Expression The value returned by an expression. Compare the result of GetAuthenticatedUser() with the UserID column to only return values relevant to the current user.
Question Keyword A model variable or a question added to the expression parser. Compare the end user's email address against a list of existing accounts to see if the address has already been registered.