Appendix: Filter Operator Types

Data source filters are an important factor in using data sources, and configuring them correctly is essential to obtaining the right data. A critical part of filter configuration is using the correct operator for each condition attached to your filters. The operator assigned to a condition helps to determine precisely what will be returned by your data source query, so it is essential to know what operators exist, and what each one does.

The following table lists all operators available for use in KnowledgeKube filters. In each example, the word Field refers to the data source field being checked, and the word Condition refers to the value it is being compared to:

Operator Description Example of Use
Is Equal To Returns any rows where the specified field is exactly the same as the condition it is being compared to. Fetch all customer records where the name Is Equal To the logged-in user's name.
Is Not Equal To Returns any rows where the specified field is anything except for the condition it is being compared to. Fetch all product details where the item status Is Not Equal To "Withdrawn from Sale".
Is Less Than Attempts to numerically compare the field to the condition, and returns any rows where the field value is less than the condition. Fetch all staff records where the number of holidays taken Is Less Than that staff member's total yearly allowance.
Is Less Than Or Equal To Combines Is Less Than and Is Equal To, returning all rows that satisfy either. Fetch all cars where the price Is Less Than Or Equal To the customer's budget amount.
Is Greater Than Attempts to numerically compare the field to the condition, and returns any rows where the field value is more than the condition. Fetch all meetings where the start date Is Greater Than - or later than - today's date.
Is Greater Than Or Equal To Combines Is Greater Than and Is Equal To, returning all rows that satisfy either. Fetch all students where the number of late attendances Is Greater Than Or Equal To the agreed threshold.
Contains Returns all rows where the field value is equal to all or part of the condition. Fetch all dog breeds whose name Contains the term "spaniel".
Is Blank Returns all rows where the field has no value. Fetch all contact details where the phone number field Is Blank.
Is Not Blank Returns all rows where the field has a definite value. Fetch all party attendees where the special dietary requirements field Is Not Blank.
Not Like Returns all rows where the field's value does not match the pattern described by the condition. This operator behaves like an SQL NOT LIKE operator, and allows the standard wildcards including %, _, [ and ]. Fetch all names where the initials are not A.A. In other words, the name is Not Like "A%[ ]A%".
Begins With Returns all rows where the first part of the field contents match the condition exactly. Fetch all bank transactions that occur on the first day of any month - the transaction date Begins With "01/".
Does Not Begin With The opposite of Begins With, this returns all rows except for those where the field contents begins with the condition. Fetch all staff whose staff ID Does Not Begin With the management prefix "MAN0".
In Returns all rows where the specified field's value can be found in a comma-separated string list of values. Fetch all staff with any of the first names found In the comma separated list "James, Michael, Peter".
Not In The opposite of In, this returns all rows where the field's value is not present in a comma-separated string list. Fetch all discounted products made by manufacturers Not In an exclusion list.
Between Returns all values that fall between a specific start point and end point. The Condition Type used with this operator must be set to Expression, and the syntax of the condition must be a comma-separated string list containing the start point and the end point. For example, to return all rows with IDs between 10 and 30, you would need a condition of "10,30". This operator can also be used to return date ranges. Fetch a list of staff sick days Between the first and last days of a particular year.
Less Than Or Equal To Distance Returns all rows containing geography data that is less than or equal to a certain distance from a specific location. The Condition Type used with this operator must be set to Expression, and the syntax of the condition must be a comma-separated string list containing values for latitude, longitude and distance. This enables you to filter geolocation data. Fetch a list of addresses that are Less Than Or Equal To Distance 1000m away.
Greater Than Or Equal To Distance Returns all rows containing geography data that is greater than or equal to a certain distance from a specific location. The Condition Type used with this operator must be set to Expression, and the syntax of the condition must be a comma-separated string list containing values for latitude, longitude and distance. This enables you to filter geolocation data. Fetch a list of countries that are Greater Than Or Equal To Distance 3000km away.

If any of the comma-separated values in the string lists used by In, Not In and Between are valid KnowledgeKube keywords, the values of those keywords will be used. Otherwise, the literal values will be used instead.