Appendix: Full Text Search Results Mapped Attributes

Customise the contents of the results question by making changes to the following attributes:

Attribute Key Description Default Value
HeaderTextFormat Defines the text that will appear at the top of the results section after a search that returns at least one result. You can use the special term {0} to represent the currently-selected results page, {1} to represent the number of results returned, and {2} to represent the text used to perform the search. Showing result page {0}. There are {1} results for search term {2}
FooterTextFormat   Page: {0}
NoResultFoundTextFormat Defines the text that will appear at the top of the results section after a search that returns no results. You can use the special term {0} to represent the text used to perform the search. Sorry, no match found for search term <b> '{0}' </b>
SuggestedSearchPreText Defines the text that will appear before any suggested alternative search terms, if the one provided is not found in the application's dictionary. Did you mean
NumberOfResultsPerPage Determines the number of search results that can appear on-screen at once. If the number of results returned is greater than this number, they will be displayed as a series of pages. 20