Performing an Action on List Items
The ForEachStringListItem function is used to sequentially assign each value in a character-separated list to a variable, and call a specific action after each assignment. If the process completes successfully the function returns a value of True; otherwise, it returns False.
The function's syntax is as follows:
ForEachStringListItem( ListName, ListSeparator, SelectedItem, ItemAction );
ListName is the original list of string values. This can be a variable keyword.
There is no need to put the ListName parameter in quotes.
ListSeparator is the single character that separates values in ListName. Its default value is a comma.
The ListSeparator cannot be left as an empty string.
SelectedItem is a string containing the keyword of the variable that will temporarily store values from ListName while the expression is executing.
ItemAction is a string containing the keyword of the action to be called after each assignment.
The arguments for both SelectedItem and ItemAction must be written inside double-quotes. This is due to their names being used, as opposed to their values.