Data Compliance Analysis

The Data Compliance Analysis feature in the Data Designer helps back office users analyse their data structures for any potential risks, such as Data Protection legislation and best practice. Specifically, this feature shows contact information, user credentials, credit card details, and potential GDPR issues.

To access this feature, click to open the Data Designer. Select the Tools menu, and click Compliance Analysis.

Accessing Compliance Analysis data.

This opens the Compliance Analysis interface, which contains two tabs called Data Designer Definitions and Repository Data Sources. The first tab displays an overview of repository-based data designer tables, whose data holds potential risks, such as sensitive information, like name and contact information.

The Data Designer Definitions tab.

The second tab displays all model data sources in the current repository, whose data is sorted similar to the first tab, showing potential risks with name, contact information, and user credentials.

The Repository Data Sources tab.

To refresh the information displayed in the compliance summary tables in each of the tabs, use the Re-analyse your Definitions and Re-analyse your Data Sources buttons, respectively.

Refreshing data.

For information about viewing compliance data within the Data Designer interface, refer to the following topics:

Description Further Reading
View Data Designer tables in the current repository, that may contain sensitive information. Performing a Compliance Analysis on Data Designer Tables
View Data Sources in the current repository, that may contain sensitive information. Performing a Compliance Analysis on Model Data Sources