Test Your Knowledge!

  1. Write down the value of each of the following string functions:
  1. StrLen( "Houses" );
  2. StrLen( Chr( "Houses", 3 ) );
  3. StrLen( Substr( "Houses", 2, 4 ) );
  4. Chr( “James”, 0 );
  5. Concat( Chr( "Peter", 0 ), "Jones" );
  6. Trim( Concat( " Peter", "Jones " ) );
  7. RTrim( Concat( " Peter ", " Jones " ) );
  8. LTrim( Concat( " Peter", "Jones " ) );
  1. For each of the following examples, write down the resulting substring:
  1. Substr( "Envelope", 4, 4 );
  2. Substr( "Ridden", 0, 3 );
  3. Substr( "Terrapin", 5, 5 );
  4. Substr( "Open" & "ing", 1, 3 );
  5. Substr( 9 ^ 4, 2, 2 );
  6. Substr( Concat( "User", 1234 ), Mod( 18, 6 ), 8 );


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