Fetches a value from a segment within a Sunburst Chart. You must use this function with the chart interactivity options, situated in the control's configuration window.
SunburstGetValue( SunburstKeyword, ValueOption );
Parameter Name | Type | Description | Optional? | Default Value |
SunburstKeyword | String | The keyword of the intended Sunburst chart question. | No | n/a |
ValueOption | Variable | Determines the type of value to interrogate. For a full list of potential values for this parameter, refer to the table below this one. | No | n/a |
Potential arguments for ValueOption:
Integer | String Equivalent | Value Returned |
1 | All | A list of all values from the selected segment, each separated by a pipe symbol (|). |
2 | XValue | The name of the selected segment. |
3 | YValue | The value of the selected segment. |
4 | ParentText | The name of the selected segment's parent. |
5 | LayerIndex | The index of the selected segment within the Sunburst chart. |
6 | PointIndex | The index location of the selected segment in relation to its parent. |
7 | GroupName | The name of the group to which the selected segment belongs. |
Case | Result |
ValueOption is set to 1 or "All" | "XValue|YValue|ParentText|LayerIndex|PointIndex|GroupName" |
ValueOption is set to another valid argument | The requested value as a string |
The function is unsuccessful | An empty string |
Use Case
The following function demonstrates how using SunburstGetValue in an action lets you retrieve a value—in this case, the value—from a specific Sunburst segment:
SunburstGetValue( SunburstChart, 3 );
This could be used with any Sunburst chart, such as the following:

An example of a Sunburst chart.
For example, clicking the segment labelled "London" would return its related value as a string:
If you were to click a parent segment, such as "UK", the function would combine the value of all child segments. In this case it would return: