
Returns the base64 binary string for a single file that has been uploaded into session memory using a File Uploader.


GetUploadedDocumentBinaryString( UploaderKeyword, UploadedFileName );


Parameter Name Type Description Optional? Default Value
UploaderKeyword String The keyword of the file uploader whose files you want to remove. No n/a
UploadedFileName String The whole name (including file extension) of the file whose base64 string you want to return. No n/a


If successful, the function will return the base64 binary string of the specified file; otherwise, it will return an empty string.

Use Case

An example of a valid expression featuring this function is shown below:

GetUploadedDocumentBinaryString( "IDPhotoUploader", "staffid.png" );

This expression will attempt to retrieve the base64 binary string for a file called staffid.png uploaded using a question called IDPhotoUploader.