ParseJSON (GetValue)

The ParseJSON function can be used to fetch one or more values from a specific path within an initialised JSON object.


ParseJSON( InstructionType, Key, Type, Path, ValueSeparator, RowSeparator );


Parameter Name Type Description Optional? Default Value
InstructionType Integer OR String Must be set to either the integer 2 or the string "GetValue". No n/a
Key String The key of the intended JSON object. No n/a
Type Integer

Determines how many results are returned by the function. Use 1 to return the first result found, or 2 to return every result found.

No n/a
Path String The path of the intended data, such as results.sunset. No n/a
ValueSeparator String The character used to separate multiple results. This parameter is only used if Type is set to 2. Yes ","
RowSeparator String The character used to separate each row of results. This parameter is only used if Type is set to 2. Yes "|"


If successful, the function will return a string containing the specified values, with multiple values formatted as a character-separated list. If the specified path does not exist, the function will return "Not Found".