
Updates the password of an existing user. Depending on how the function is written, it will either affect the user's Workgroup password, their Enterprise password, or both.


ChangeUserPassword( InstructionType, UserEmail, OldPassword, NewPassword );


Parameter Name Type Description Optional? Default Value
InstructionType Integer Determines the type of password to change. If set to 1, the function will update the workgroup password; if set to 2, it will update the Enterprise password. To update both password, set this to 3. No n/a
UserEmail String The email address associated with an authenticated user on the current repository. No n/a
OldPassword String The user's current password. If InstructionType is set to 3, this parameter should contain the user's workgroup password. No n/a
NewPassword String The new password to assign to the specified user. No n/a


If successful, the function will return a value of True; otherwise, it will return False.