Editing a Dynamic Document Item
Make limited changes to a dynamic document item after it is created. This does not involve modifying the contents of the uploaded document, but rather changing the way it is used by KnowledgeKube. You can replace the item's source file, such as changing its keyword, and manage any images linked to the item.
If you need to make alterations to the content of a dynamic document item, you will first need to edit the source document directly, then Refresh the document item. Refreshing a document item is done via the Document Information panel - this is explained later in the topic.
- Switch to the Definition tab.
- Click
to open the Manage Documents interface.
- Select the document item you want to alter.
- If the document is not already checked out to you, click Check Out Document.
- Click
in the toolbar to open the Document Item dialog.
Alternatively, click Edit at the bottom of the window to modify the document's properties. The options to edit a document will only be available when you have it checked out to yourself.
- (Optional) To replace the existing source document, click the ellipsis button ( ... ) and use the resulting file browser to locate and double-click the document you want to upload.
Changing the source file will not update your document item's Keyword automatically. This ensures that any references to the old keyword will continue to work even if you change the source file.
- (Optional) To change the document item's keyword, use the field provided to do so.
If you do change the document item's keyword, you will need to ensure any references to the old keyword are updated to match.
- (Optional) Click Refresh at the bottom of the window if you make changes to the contents of the source document, and want the document item to pick up these changes.
- (Optional) Double-click the updated file in the file browser.
- (Optional) Switch to the Image Information panel to view a list of any images that were either embedded in the original source document, or uploaded afterwards to be embedded manually.
- (Optional) Modify any images in the list as required. For more information, refer to Appendix: Embedding Images in the Source Document.
- (Optional) Switch to the Document Preview panel to view an approximation of how your document will appear when it is generated by KnowledgeKube.
Fields that reference model keywords, images or other dynamic data will appear literally, so this preview cannot be used to view what those fields will produce.
- Click Save when all necessary changes have been made to your document item.