Adding an Enterprise User to a Group

Restrict access to your published models by granting access to specific enterprise users.

Users can also be added a group when created with the AddEnterpriseUser function.


  1. (For the creation and editing of Published Groups Only) Skip to step 4.
  2. Access the Enterprise Server dialog.
  3. Double-click the intended group in the Publishing Groups panel.
  4. Switch to the Users panel.
  5. To add a user to a group, switch to the Available Users tab.
  6. Select a user in the list, and click Add to Published Group.
  7. To view the added user, switch to the Users Authorised for Group tab. The user will appear in this list.
  8. When you have finished, click OK to save your changes.

You can also remove a user from a publishing group if you do not want them to have access to a published model.