Publishing a Model to Enterprise Server

For an application to be available to the Enterprise Server mobile app, it must first be Published using the KnowledgeKube back office tool. A published model is rendered according to the native settings of the platform the app is installed on. As such, models accessed via the mobile app are referred to as Enterprise Apps.

Publishing a model via Enterprise Server is a distinct and separate process to publishing a model via Content Delivery. Models published using Content Delivery are hosted on a webpage and rendered in HTML. Enterprise apps are hosted on the mobile app and are rendered according to the individual device's operating system. A model can be published using one or both methods as required.

Enterprise Server is not currently compatible with Content Delivery, meaning it will not render any HTML-based content in a published model.


  1. Switch to the Your Models tab.
  2. Right-click the intended model in the list.
  3. Click Publish to Native Mobile.

If you have access to more than one repository you need to make sure that you are currently using the one that is set as your Primary repository before you publish via Enterprise Server. This is because you can only access applications that have been published to the primary repository. If you do not know which repository is your primary one, contact a system administrator.

  1. (Optional) When prompted, click Yes to open the Enterprise Server Management dialog to confirm the model has been published to Enterprise Server.
  2. Switch to the Published Model panel to view a list of the available Enterprise Server models in the current repository. Yours will be in the list.

The list does not show which groups a model has been published to - this information is available in the Publishing Groups panel.

  1. Click Close to return to the previous window.

Each published model must be assigned to a suitable Publishing Group with at least one Enterprise User before it can be accessed.