Adding Multiple Questions
You can add multiple questions to a question group, using a special interface within your model.
- Switch to the Definition tab.
- Click
situated in the toolbar to the right hand side.
- Use the drop-down menu and select From CSV. The Create Questions from Character Separated Values window will open.
- (Optional) To create a question group for your new content, tick the check box and type a Name for this group into the text box provided. When you have done this, skip to step 6.
- Use the drop-down menu provided to select the question group you want to hold your new content.
- Type or paste CSV data representing your new questions in the large text box. Refer to step 8 for more information about how this should be formatted.
If you have a file containing the comma-separated data you want to use to create questions, click the Select a CSV File link and pick the file using the file browser. This will automatically populate the field with the contents of your file.
- Use the Separatorfield to specify the character you've used to separate your data. If you intend to use the third option in step 5, you also need to ensure the Row Separator field matches your CSV. If you're going to use one of the other options, you can leave this field alone.
- Use the radio buttons at the bottom of the dialog to choose how your CSV data should be interpreted.
Radio Button Option | Description | Example |
Use Truncated Question Text | Each question will have the respective CSV item as its Question Text, and a modified version of the question text with all spaces removed as its Keyword. | “What is your name?” will be given the truncated keyword WhatIsYourName1. |
Auto Generate Keyword | Each question will have the respective CSV item as its Question Text, and an automatically-generated Keyword consisting of the letter Q followed by a unique number. | If you create your first five questions using this option, they will be assigned keywords Q1 to Q5. |
CSV Includes Question Type and Keyword Information | Interprets CSV data consisting of multiple rows, where each row represents a single new question. Each row must use the following format: Question Text,Keyword,Question Type (replacing commas with whatever you selected as your Separator character). Use the chosen Row Separator to separate each question in your data. | If your CSV contains the row Your Name:, YourName, FreeText, your new question set will include a Free Text question with the text "Your Name:" and keyword "YourName". |
All of the examples above assume you chose a comma as your Separator character.
- Click OK.
- Confirm the action when prompted.