
Questions are the most fundamental building blocks of any KnowledgeKube application. They can be used to gather end user data in a variety of formats including plain text, date, multiple choice, and currency.

To learn how to create and manage questions within your application, refer to the following topics:

Description Further Reading
Add a single question to your question group. Adding an Individual Question
Add multiple questions at once using a CSV list. Adding Multiple Questions
Configure existing questions. Editing a Question's Properties
Create a copy of an existing question and its contents within the same question group. Copying a Question
If you no longer need a certain question you can permanently remove it from your application. Deleting a Question
Re-organise the questions within a question group. Maintaining Your Questions

Questions can provide behind-the-scenes functionality in your application. For more information, refer to the following topics:

Description Further Reading
Host expressions in your model to perform specific tasks. Implementing an Expression
Nest content with invisible place holders letting you embed a question group inside another group, using a special container. Implementing a Place Holder

The appearance and behaviour of a question is determined by its Type. For more information, refer to the following topic:

Description Further Reading
When you create a question you can define its type. This affects the format of the data being collected by a question, to the way it appears to the end user. Appendix: Question Types