Managing Cargo Connections

To allow a KnowledgeKube model to share variable data with an external site or application using cargo, a Cargo Connection between the two must be created. Afterwards, mappings between model variables and corresponding values in the target location can be added, allowing the paired properties to share a value.

To add and make changes to cargo connections, access the Your Models tab, select the intended model, right-click it and select the Model Cargo option.

The Cargo Selection dialog displays a list of the cargo connections in the current model, which you can modify as needed.

The Cargo Selection window.

All new models begin with no Cargo connections.

You can make changes to the list using buttons in the window's toolbar.

Use these buttons to add, edit and remove cargo in your model.

These buttons are covered in their own topics later in this section. The remaining buttons in the toolbar relate to Source Control of the cargo items displayed in the dialog.

Source control for Cargo.

These buttons allow you to do the following Source Control actions:

Name Description
Check Out Cargo Click to Immediately check the selected item out to you. This button will not be available if the cargo item is already checked out.
Check In Cargo Click to open a dialog box that asks you to provide a check in comment and, optionally, a check-in reference. After providing this information and clicking Check In, the selected cargo item will be checked back in, making it available to other users. This button will not be available if you do not currently have the selected item checked out.
View Check In History Click to open the History window for the selected item. This window lets you view a complete list of check-in entries for the cargo item, including who has checked the item in, when the check-in took place, and the comments and reference provided during check-in. This window is for information only, and pressing the OK button will close it.

To learn how to add and modify existing cargo connections, refer to the following topics:

Description Further Reading
Add a cargo connection to your existing model to share values between models. Creating a Cargo Connection
Modify a cargo connection's name and type. Editing a Cargo Connection
Permanently remove a cargo connection from your model. Deleting a Cargo Connection
As part of the cargo connection process choose from a list of external data types. Appendix: Cargo Connection Types