Master Pages
Every standard Page within a KnowledgeKube site has its own set of content defined by its Markup, Stylesheets, Scripts and Metadata. This content makes the page distinct from all others, since settings applied directly to a page do not have a direct effect on any other page on the site.
In addition to this, every page must be assigned a single Master Page. A master page establishes certain top-level settings - again, including markup, stylesheets, scripts and metadata - for each page it is assigned to. Because a master page can be associated with multiple regular pages, it can be used to apply consistent settings to those pages without having to edit them individually. You can assign a master page when creating a new page, and change it when editing the page.
Since content settings are applied at both the page and master page level, conflicts may occur between the two. When this happens, page-level settings will take precedence over the corresponding setting in the master page.
To maintain and view a list of master pages on your site, click the Content Delivery icon in the main KnowledgeKube window, then switch to the Master Pages panel of the Site Map Inspector.

The Master Pages panel.
To learn how to create and modify master pages for your site, refer to the following topics:
Description | Further Reading |
Create a master page for your site's pages by defining its markup, stylesheets, scripts and metadata. | Creating a Master Page |
Modify the settings applied to a page's master page. | Editing a Master Page |
Remove a master page from your site. | Deleting a Master Page |
Choose a default master page for your site. | Nominating the Default Master Page |