Appendix: Displaying Values from Environment Variables

An environment variable is a special type of property supplied by a website. Examples of this include the time the current page was loaded, and the site's full URL. Any browser that connects to a site can access the values assigned to its environment variables. To render one of these values within KnowledgeKube content, you must use an ENVIRONMENT element tag.

The syntax for the tag is as follows, where Variable is a keyword that identifies the value you want to display:

<%# ENVIRONMENT(Variable) %>

You can quickly insert specific environment tags in HTML markup using the Element Browser. Click the Show Assets toolbar button, use the Filter to select Tags, then select the relevant item from the list. Not all environment variables exist in this list.

The following table lists the environment variables that can be rendered using an element:

Variable Rendered Output Example
AUTHENTICATION The authentication status of the current user. Logged Out
CLEANURL The full URL of the current page, including the site root but excluding the query string if present.
CULTURECODE The culture code for the current page. en-GB
CULTURENAME The name of the culture for the current page. English (United Kingdom)
CURRENTPAGE The full URL of the current page, including the site root and the query string if present.
CURRENTPAGEURL The URL of the current page, relative to the site root. If the URL's query string includes the refresh property, this will be omitted. /test-page/test-subpage?index=15
CURRENTPAGEPARENTURL The URL of the current page's parent page. /test-page/
DATE The date when the current page was loaded. 24/12/2019
DATETIME The date and time when the current page was loaded. 24/12/2019 11:55:29
HOMEPAGEURL The full URL of the site's home page, including the site root.
LASTPAGEURL The URL of the page visited prior to the current one, relative to the site root. If the URL's query string includes the refresh property, this will be omitted. /homepage?utm_nooverride=1
LASTSITEPUBLISH The date and time when the current version of the site was published. 24/12/2019 11:55:29
LASTSITEREFRESH The date and time when the current site was last refreshed. 24/12/2019 11:55:29
MACHINENAME The name assigned to the application's web server by the server administrator. DEVELOPMENTHOST01
PAGETITLE The current page's Default Title. All new blank pages include one of these tags by default. Test Page
PAGEURL The current page's Virtual Page Name. test-page
SITE The site's URL.
SITENAME The site's name. BasicSite
SITETITLE The site's title. Example-Site
TIME The time when the current page was loaded. 11:55
USERID The logged-in user's unique ID. 0a6e4e15-abe7-4ce8-9bae-6a825bb4f0b5
USERNAME The logged-in user's User Name. Aaron A. Aaronson