Appendix: Using the FORGOTTENPASSWORD Element Tag

You can allow users to reset their password through your site, rather than the back office tool by entering their username. A new password will be sent to the email address associated with their account.

This element tag has the following default syntax:

FailureText) %>

All parameters are optional:

Parameter Description
UsernameLabel A string that will appear directly above the text field, such as "User Name".
ButtonText A label that appears on the button, such as "Submit".
SuccessText A message that will appear after the user has provided an appropriate user name.
FailureText A message that will appear if the user has not provided an appropriate user name.

An example of a complete ForgottenPassword tag is as follows:

UsernameLabel="User Name"
SuccessText="Forgotten password request was successful"
FailureText="Forgotten password request failed") %>