Simple Lists

KnowledgeKube Lists are a way of storing more than one value inside a single variable string. Values in lists are independent of one another, and are delineated by a specific character. Usually, a comma is used as the separator, but any single typographical symbol can be used instead.

A few examples of valid lists - each containing four values - are shown below:


There is no special interface required to create a list; after creating the variable you will use to store the list, you can modify its contents using functions.

To learn how to add and modify values to a list refer to the following topics:

Description Further Reading
Add a single value to the list using a special string list function. Adding a Value to a List
Search an existing list for a specific value, and remove the first instance found, using a special string list function. Removing a Value from a List
Search an existing list for a specific value, and return a value of True if the value exists or False if not, using a special string list function. Checking for a Value in a List
Use a special string list function that takes each value within an existing list in turn, and perform a specific KnowledgeKube action on them. Performing an Action on List Items