Connecting a Table to a KnowledgeKube Model

Once you have created a table in Data Designer, connect to it in KnowledgeKube just like any other type of data source.

All repositories are automatically assigned a connection to their local data. This connection is named Your Data and requires no configuration on your part.


  1. Switch to the Definition panel.
  2. Create a data source.
  3. Make sure the Your Data connection is selected in the Select a Connection from the Available List drop-down menu.
  4. Select any table managed by the Data Designer in the Select a Table From the Data Source drop-down menu. Tables created in the Data Designer will have the "Data." prefix at the beginning of it. For example, if the table is called "MyTable" it will appear here as "Data.MyTable".
  5. Click Save.

When the data source has been set up you will be able to pass data in and out of the table exactly like you would any external data source.