Copying a Table

Use a special interface to copy one or more tables in the Data Designer.


  1. Click the icon in the Activity Bar.
  2. Switch to the Definitions tab.
  3. Right-click the intended table and select Copy Table from the context menu, to open the Copy Tables interface.

(Multiple tables only) Use the Ctrl-key and left-click your mouse to select multiple tables you want to copy.

  1. (Optional) Double-click in the Destination Table Menu field to modify the name to give the copied version of the table.
  2. (Optional) Tick the Include Data check box if you want to also include the source table's data. If this is not ticked, only the table's structure will be copied.
  3. (Optional for multiple tables only) Un-tick the Copy Table check box, next to the tables you do not want to copy.
  4. (Optional for multiple tables only) If the Copy Table check box is selected for all the tables in your list, click the Invert button to de-select them all at once.

The Invert button can also be used if you want to copy the entire list of tables.

  1. (Optional) Click Storage to view capacity space, and how many records your repository based tables have.
  2. Click Start Copying.
  3. When prompted, click OK.
  4. To confirm, when prompted, click OK again.
  5. Click OK when prompted, then Close the active window, and return to the Definitions tab, where your copied tables will be displayed.