Creating a Data Designer Table using Excel

The Import from Excel interface enables you to create tables and import data directly from a Microsoft Excel file, using a special interface in the Data Designer. This interface supports the following excel file formats:

  • Microsoft Excel 95
  • Microsoft Excel 97 to 2003
  • Microsoft Excel XLSX
  • CSV
  • Tab Delimited

To access the Import from Excel interface, click to open the Your Data interface, then select Tools > Import from Microsoft Excel.

Accessing the Import from Excel interface.

This will open the Import from Excel window. Browse the files on your computer for an excel file you want to import.

Browse for an Excel file.

Make sure the chosen file is closed in Microsoft Excel before attempting to open it in the interface, within Data Designer.

Open the file and the Import from Excel interface will be displayed. You will be able to see the chosen excel file in the Selected File tab.

The Selected File tab.

Just below the tab is where information about the uploaded file will be displayed, such as:

  • Properties - The size and title of the excel file.
  • Related Dates - The last time the file was modified, and when it was created.
  • Author - Full name of the author and when they last modified the excel file.

File information.

If you upload an excel file containing multiple worksheets, each one can be viewed in their own tabs, situated alongside the Selected File tab.

Viewing imported data in multiple Excel worksheets.

By default the first row of the worksheet is used for column names. If you do not want to use the first row for the column names, untick the Use The First Row As The Basis For The New Tables Column Named? checkbox, situated at the bottom of the window.

If a worksheet has zero rows and columns it will not appear in the list.

This window contains the following options:

  • Browse - Change the source file to create a Data Designer table based on the updated excel file.
  • Select All - Select all worksheets in the list.
  • Select None - De-select all worksheets in the list.
  • Invert - Toggles the current selections. Selected items will be de-selected when you click the Invert button, and vice versa.
  • View - Inspect the data of the selected row in the worksheet list.
  • Columns - View the column mappings that will take place when the import is complete.

To learn how to upload and manage excel files using the Import from Excel interface, refer to the following topics:

Description Further Reading
Browse your computer for a correctly formatted Microsoft Excel file, and import it using a special interface. Choose to include the table data in the import, if you wish. Creating a Data Designer Table from an Imported Excel File
View the data in the imported Excel file. Viewing the Data in an Imported Excel Worksheet