Creating a Kanban Card

Add a card to a Kanban board that represents a specific task.


  1. Open the Kanban board on the front end.
  2. Click the + button at the bottom of the column where you want to add the card.
  3. Enter a Title for the task.
  4. Enter a Summary that contains more specific information about the task.
  5. (Optional) The ColumnKey will contain the key for the column where the card will be added. You can edit this here to move the card to a specific column by entering its key.
  6. (Optional) If the Kanban board uses swim lanes, you can use the SwimLane to specify the key for the lane where you want the card to appear. For more information on swim lanes, refer to Configuring a Kanban Board.
  7. (Optional) Use the ColourKey field to assign a key to the card. If you enter a valid key, the associated colour will appear in the bottom right corner of the card.
  8. Assign a numeric Priority to the card. The lower the number, the higher the priority.

Priority is used to specify the default order of cards within columns, with the highest priority cards towards the top. For example, a card with the priority set to 2 will initially appear above a card with a priority of 4.

  1. (Optional) Add one or more Tags to the task, which will appear on the card. To add multiple tags, separate each one with commas.
  2. Click Save to create the card.