WithChartItems (AddCustomLegend)

Defines visual settings for a chart legend, including its text, markers and tooltips.


WithChartItems( InstructionType, LegendName, LegendText, LegendColourName, LegendToolTip, MarkerType, MarkerSize, MarkerColourName, Transparency );


Parameter Name Type Description Optional? Default Value
InstructionType Integer or String Must be set to either the integer 24 or the string "AddCustomLegend". No n/a
LegendName String The name of the legend. No n/a
LegendText String The text to appear in the legend. No n/a
LegendColourName Integer or String A standard HTML colour to apply to the legend text. For a full list of valid colours, refer to this MSDN article. No n/a
LegendToolTip Integer The text to apply to the legend's tooltip. Yes ""
MarkerType Integer An integer that represents the type of marker to apply. Yes 0
MarkerSize Integer The size of the marker in pixels. Yes 0
MarkerColourName String A standard HTML colour to apply to the marker. For a full list of valid colours, refer to this MSDN article. Yes "Black"
MarkerTransparency Integer The level of transparency of the marker, ranging from 0 (invisible) to 255 (opaque). Yes 255


If successful, the function will return True; otherwise, it will return False.