WithChartItems (SetChartAreaItem - Axis)

Configures aspects of a chart area axis in the currently initialised chart definition. This can be used to set the axis' maximum value, minimum value, or interval.


WithChartItems( InstructionType, ChartAreaName, InstructionSubType, AxisType, AxisEnabled, MinimumAxisValue, MaximumAxisValue, AxisIntervalValue );


Parameter Name Type Description Optional? Default Value
InstructionType Integer or String Must be set to either the integer 28 or the string "SetChartAreaItem". No n/a
ChartAreaName String The name of the chart area containing the axis to configure. No n/a
InstructionSubType Integer or String Must be set to either the integer 2 or the string "Axis". No n/a
AxisType Integer

Determines the intended axis:

  1. XAxis
  2. YAxis
  3. SecondaryXAxis
  4. SecondaryYAxis
No n/a
AxisEnabled Integer or String Determines if the chart area should be enabled (1/True), disabled (2/False), or if it should only be enabled when it is used to plot a series (0/Auto). No n/a
MinimumAxisValue Integer The lower boundary value of the axis. If left as an empty string, the value will be determined by the chart definition. Yes ""
MaximumAxisValue Integer The upper boundary value of the axis. If left as an empty string, the value will be determined by the chart definition. Yes ""
AxisIntervalValue Integer The interval between values on the axis. If left as an empty string, the value will be determined by the chart definition. Yes ""


If successful, the function will return True; otherwise, it will return False.