
Generates a base64 binary string representing a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet containing data extracted from a KnowledgeKube data source.

This function relies on the existence of a properly-configured Markup Asset on the site used to call the function.


ExportDataSourceAsExcelBase64( DataSourceName, FilterName, ColumnDefinitionGroupPath, Refresh, ModelReference );


Parameter Name Type Description Optional? Default Value
DataSourceName String The name of the data source whose values you want to export. No n/a
FilterName String The name of a filter associated with the specified data source. Only rows returned by the filter will be exported to the Excel document. If you don't want to apply a filter to the results, use an empty string as this argument. No n/a
ColumnDefinitionGroupPath String The name of the markup asset that defines the structure of the intended spreadsheet. No n/a
Refresh Boolean Determines whether the data source will be refreshed prior to generating the binary string. If no refresh takes place, the resulting spreadsheet will use the current data source cache. Yes 0
ModelReference String The model reference associated with the chosen data source. If the function is called by a model, it assumes the data source exists within that model, so you do not need to specify a reference unless the data source exists in a different model on the same repository; if the function is called outside the context of a model - for example, in a web page expression or via the DATASOURCE element tag - you must specify the model containing the data source. Yes (see Description) ""


If successful, the function will return the generated binary string; otherwise, depending on the reason for the failure, it will either return a descriptive error message or a value of False.