Appendix: Chart Keywords

When adding text to a chart, such as a tooltip or label, you can also include dynamic keyword values to display information. Each keyword is contextual, so if applied to an incompatible element, it will be rendered as plain text. If no value exists for a keyword it will display an empty string.

The following table shows all available chart keywords, along with descriptions of what values they will display:

Keyword Description Displays
#AVG Average of All Y Values in the Series The average Y-axis value of all data points in the series.
#AXISLABEL Axis Data Point Label The label text of the axis.
#FIRST First Data Point of all Y Values in the Series The Y-axis value of the first data point in the series.
#INDEX Data Point Index The zero-based index of the data point within its series.
#LABEL Data Point Label The label text of the data point.
#LAST Last Data Point of all Y Values in the Series The Y-axis value of the final data point in the series.
#LEGENDTEXT Legend Text The legend text.
#MAX Maximum Data Point of all Y Values in the Series The highest Y-axis value of all data points in the series.
#MIN Minimum Data Point of all Y Values in the Series The lowest Y-axis value of all data points in the series.
#PERCENT Percentage of the Data Point Y Value The percentage - represented by the data point - of the series' combined Y-axis value.
#SERIESNAME X Series Name The name of the series.
#TOTAL Total of All Y Values in the Series The sum of all Y-axis values in the series.
#VAL Y Value The Y-axis value of the data point. If no such value exists, 0 will be displayed.
#VALX X Value The X-axis value of the data point. If no such value exists, 0 will be displayed.