Creating Relationships between Tables

The Data Designer makes it easy to create Relationships between tables. A database relationship connects two or more tables, linking their data, allowing you to access all of the combined data from one place.

Establishing a link between tables will prevent a table from being deleted. You'll be notified when trying to delete a table which other tables will be affected.


  1. Switch to the Tables panel.
  2. Select the table you want to add a link to.
  3. Right-click anywhere in the Properties grid, and select Create New Property.
  4. Enter a suitable property name, and the table you want to link to from the Your Tables drop-down menu.
  5. Click Create Property.

When you select this property in the Tables panel an indication of the relationship between the tables will be displayed - the table that includes the property link will show the referenced table in blue, at the bottom of the property grid.

  1. (Optional) Click the referenced table in blue to view its properties.

When you create a link to another table using this interface, all columns from the linked table will be visible in the main table at the point where the linked property appears, when it is viewed in a KnowledgeKube application.

You can not construct relationships that will cause a circular dependency. For example, if Table A contains a link to Table B, you will be prevented from creating a link from Table B to Table A.