Creating a Series Data Point

Add a new data point to a chart series.


  1. Open a Chart question's Properties and click Configure to open the Chart Definition interface.
  2. Switch to the Series panel.
  3. Select an existing series to use and click Edit, or click Add to create a new series. Both of these options will open the Series Definition dialog. For more information on this interface, refer to Creating a Chart Series.
  4. Switch to the Data Points panel.
  5. Click Add to open the Series Data Point interface.
  6. (Optional) Tick the Is Empty check box if you expect the data point may not receive a value. This can be used if the new data point is intended to be part of a template series for a dynamic data bind. For more information, refer to Appendix: Defining Default Behaviour for Dynamic Charts.
  7. (Optional) Use the X Value field to provide the data point's X-axis value.
  8. (Optional) Use the Y Value field to provide one or more Y-axis values. To add multiple values, separate each with a comma.
  9. (Optional) Switch to the Interactivity tab.
  10. (Optional) Enter an Action Keyword to perform when the data point is clicked in the chart definition.
  11. (Optional) Enter a ToolTip that will appear when hovering over the data point in the chart definition.
  12. (Optional) Switch to the Data Point Label panel, where you can add a label to the data point.
  13. (Optional) Switch to the Appearance panel, where you can modify the data point's visual settings.
  14. (Optional) Switch to the Other Options panel, which contains options for applying style settings to the series.

The settings in this panel will vary depending on the type of chart assigned to the associated series. Certain options are also reliant on other chart elements to function and will have no effect unless those elements are correctly configured. For example, using the Label Style option requires that a label is applied to the series.

  1. Click Save to create the new data point.