Appendix: Data Bind Types

When configuring a chart area, you will need to choose a Data Bind Type to determine the type of data the area will contain. All series assigned to the chart area will use the data provided by the selected data bind.

The following table contains a list of all available data bind types:

Data Bind Type Description Requires Model Data Source? Further Reading
Chart Definition Static data directly added to the Data Points panel in the Series Definition interface. No Chart Series
Cross-Table Values from an X-axis field and at least one Y-axis field are grouped by a third field, creating a series for each unique entry in the third field. Yes Appendix: Cross-Table Data Bind
Expression Expression-driven data and configuration settings are provided to the chart area by the WithChartItems function. No WithChartItems
None This option will effectively disable the chart area and prevent the chart from rendering. -  
Series By Row For each row in the data source, values from an X-axis field and at least one Y-axis field are added to a new series. Yes Appendix: Series By Row Data Bind
Table Select an X-axis field and create new series for each remaining field in the table, using the values from each row as the Y-axis values. Yes Appendix: Table Data Bind
X and Y Values Select a field for the X-axis and at least one field for the Y-axis and plot them in a single series. This bind type is ideal for chart types that can plot multiple values on the Y-axis. Yes Appendix: X and Y Values Data Bind
Y Values Select a field for the Y-axis values. This is suited to chart types that do not necessarily require X-axis values, such as pie charts. Yes Appendix: Y Values Data Bind