Designing Your Own Data

KnowledgeKube's self contained database creation and management tool referred to as the Data Designer lets you create your own database. Any KnowledgeKube application on the same repository can use the tables in this database as a data source. The Data Designer tool requires no prior knowledge or experience with SQL, or with databases in general, although this may be advantageous.

Topic Description Further Reading
The Data Designer Interface Understand the principle sections of the tool's interface, such as the Summary, Definitions, History and Groups panel's. The Data Designer Interface
Tables A container that stores data in a structured format within your repository. Tables
Table Columns A table consists of one or more Columns. Each property is assigned a Type that determines which data can be stored. Table Columns
Table Data Data is stored in the Table Data Editor, where modifications to the data can be made. Table Data
Data Designer History All changes made to tables in the Data Designer are logged in the History tab. Viewing Data Designer History
Data Table Groups Tables can be collected into Groups to make them easier to categorise and to keep related groups in one place. Data Table Groups
Connecting a Table to a KnowledgeKube Model Connect a table using Data Designer, through a KnowledgeKube model. Connecting a Table to a KnowledgeKube Model
Importing Tables and Data from Excel Create a Data Designer table by importing a correctly formatted Microsoft Excel file, using a special interface. Creating a Data Designer Table using Excel
Data Compliance Analysis View existing Data Designer tables and model data sources that highlight potential compliance risks, situated in the Data Designer interface. Data Compliance Analysis

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