Creating a Chart Area

Add a new chart area to a traditional chart definition.


  1. Open a Chart question's Properties and click Configure to open the Chart Definition interface.
  2. Switch to the Chart Area panel.
  3. Click Add to open the Chart Area dialog.
  4. Use the Enabled check box to determine if the chart area should be enabled or disabled. If disabled, the area will not render in the chart definition.
  5. Enter a unique Chart Area Name. This can be used to reference the area elsewhere, such as with the WithChartItems function.
  6. (Optional) To configure the axes in the chart area, select one from the Chart Area Axes list and click Edit.
  7. (Optional) Switch to the Title panel.
  8. (Optional) Enter a Chart Area Title, which will appear above the area when it renders.
  9. (Optional) Use the Appearance and Border tabs to configure the look of the chart area title.
  10. (Optional) Switch to the Appearance panel.
  11. (Optional) Tick the Show Legends if the chart area should contain a legend.

Each series in the chart area must be individually configured for it to appear in this legend.

  1. (Optional) Use the options in the Border and Background Colour sections, as well as the Alignment and 3D Area tabs, to customize the chart area's appearance.
  2. (Optional) Switch to the Position panel.
  3. (Optional) Use these options to configure the position of the chart area within the definition.
  4. Switch to the Data Source panel.
  5. Select the appropriate Data Bind Type from the drop-down menu.
  6. (Data source bind types only) If the selected bind type requires a data source, use the Data Source drop-down menu to select the one to use for the chart.
  7. (Optional) To filter the chart data tick Use a Filter with This Data Source and use the Data Source Filter drop-down menu to specify the filter to use.
  8. (Optional) If you need to dynamically change the filter, tick The Entered Filter Value Is a Variable Name and replace the filter name with a variable keyword. The data source will then use the filter whose name matches the variable value.
  9. (Data source bind types only) Use the options in the Bind Field Information and Excluded Field Information tabs to configure how the chart interacts with the data source.
  10. Click Save to create the new chart area.